Tuesday, February 9, 2010

So it would seem that I am a terrible blogger. Maybe I should make a calendar/schedule of things to blog about, I bet that would help. Maybe it's that so many things go in in my brain and I just don't know what one thing to talk about. So the options are either write a blog entry that talks about a billion things, or just to not write at all. And it appears that I have been reverting to the second option.

So I will try to be better about this, for no particular reason other than I started this blog so I should actually update it.

I applied to graduate school at DBU last week. Filled out the application, answered all the questions, gave letters of recommendation, transcripts; I even wrote a resume for the first time in my life.

Big step.

Scary step.

Exciting step.

Mysterious step.

Okay so that last one sounded a little cheesy, but it is mysterious! I have no idea what will happen...

If I'll get accepted.
If I'll get a substantial amount of scholarships/grants.
If I don't get those scholarships/grants, how or if we'll be able to pay for it.
If the Lord does provide a way, if grad school will kick my butt.
How it will affect mine and John's marriage in a positive way.
How it will affect mine and John's marriage in a negative way.

So, there's the mystery. But we shall see in time! I have been praying that if we were gonna have to pay a lot of money for me to go (money which we don't have) that the Lord would just close the door and I wouldn't get accepted.

I don't know that this is necessarily a bad prayer, someone made a comment that it's the "easy way." I don't think I agree with that. I only pray that so that we will have definite clarity and confirmation on what we're supposed to do.

However, if I get accepted and don't get everything paid for through scholarships/grants, I am excited to see how the Lord will provide and what he will teach John and I through that situation. He has already brought us through one time of really having to trust and wait on him, and that could be another opportunity for him to continue teaching those things that are so necessary in a God-centered marriage.

So there, there's an update. One of the billions of things floating around in my head is now on the world wide web. Eeesshhh....

1 comment:

  1. Praying for you... that His desires will be your desires, and so much more! luv,T
